1. We value a transformation of the Heart

Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 5:17
The Presence of God transforms and restores the heart. Since we believe that His Presence is an experienced reality in our lives through the Holy Spirit and the teaching of God’s Word, we expect our body to increasingly be transformed into the likeness of Christ. Hearts that are changed is one way we measure the growth of our body.

2. We value biblical community

Hebrews 10:24,25; Acts 2:42-47

Being in relationship with one another is an essential part to the spiritual growth of every believer and every church. As we learn to love Christ and others as well, we seek to build the kind of authentic biblical community that draws us closer to God. Therefore, we take responsibility for each other’s spiritual, emotional, and physical health. How we love each other is another way we measure the growth of our body.

3. We value partnership

1 Peter 4:10-11

Giving every man, woman, and child multiple opportunities to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ is an ambitious task. But we believe it’s a worthy one, and one that we’re commanded to pursue. In order for that to become a reality, we believe the best way to approach that mission is though partnerships with other like- minded churches, ministries, and organizations, locally and around the world.Our partnerships help us gauge how we’re doing in reaching multiple contexts locally and around the world.

4. We value discipleship

Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Timothy 2:2

The method Jesus chose to accomplish His mission is through people. As the gospel liberates us we believe it also equips and empowers us to take His presence into the world. Into the places where God has us in, to reach the next generation, the poor and the lost of our community, with the gospel. The church grows only when she equips and empowers others, to equip and empower others, and infinitum. Therefore, we highly value spiritual multiplication because is measures how well we are living out the great commission specifically in our own body.

5. We value diversity

Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 4:2-5

We believe the Gospel has implications not only for individual salvation but also for corporate sanctification. We must learn to live in community with those different then us by following Christ’s example and considering others above ourselves. We will hold the conviction that believers are a new humanity in Christ; this drives Christian unity within the church, as we love one another just as Christ loved us.